Aug 11, 2011

Discipleship in Jesus Christ (Matthew 28: 19 - 24 )


Bible is a story of discipleship. Scripture is given for the very purpose of discipleship. Therefore, discipleship is an unavoidable fact of Christian who believes in Bible.

Discipleship in Jesus Christ is not an Option but it is the Commission of his/her Master.

1. Discipleship of Jesus Christ is ‘to be in Christ’ ( John 3)

Discipleship in Jesus cannot be understood apart from ‘to be in Christ’. It is because unlike other discipleship, becoming a disciple of Jesus is different. It requires not just following His teachings and life, but first and foremost it demands to be born in Christ, i.e. to be in Christ. Unless some is in Christ he/ she cannot be His disciple.

Thus, to be a disciple of Jesus is not becoming it but to be born again in Jesus and so discipleship cannot be separated form Christian life. Discipleship is not an extra curriculum of a Christian but it is the life of him/her.

“A person cannot be a saved Christian and not be a disciple of Jesus Christ.”

2. Discipleship in Jesus does not practice / perform to be a disciple but lives in it. ( Mathew 6: 1)

Discipleship in Jesus is always a fact of God grace alone. Bible says we are not saved by doing / practicing any good / righteous things, but by the Grace of God alone. (Eph 2: 6 – 8). Our life in Jesus is a result of God’s grace and work. Thus, it cannot be practice and then performed better. It always needs to be trust in God’s grace for its stand and growth.

Practicing something is always task oriented. But discipleship is not at all task oriented. Jesus only said Follow Me, Go and make disciples of all nations. No one can ever achieve his task and goal with his well practice attitude, talent and gift without His grace.

Practicing discipleship in Jesus is a kind of Legalism – ‘how to’ do manuals. Love, kind, good communication, gifts, talents, etc does not make person qualified disciple. These are the evidence of a disciple in Jesus.

Practicing discipleship is Phariseesism. (Matt 7: 1-3)/ Pharisee does all his rituals in order to please his God. But scripture declares the good works never please God, but only faith pleases God and God rewards it. In this way, discipleship that is practiced, is a self relying attitude and not trusting God’s grace not following the footsteps of the Master.

3. Discipleship in Jesus Christ Cost Everything ( Luke 14:33)

Following the Lord always requires sacrifices, denial of self and world. It costs a disciples’ own life. Jesus said any one follow Me and loves his/ her life shall lose it and any one who loses it shall find it.

Son of Man, Jesus same to this world to seek and find the lost. He came and fulfilled the life of Disciples and gave His life. Discipleship Costs the life of the San of God.

It costs life of a son of man. Discipleship saves a person life in Jesus and makes him/her another disciples making disciple. (Ezek, 3:8, Luke 14:39).


Every Christian = Follower of Christ = Disciple of Christ

Every Christian is DMD (Disciples Making Disciple) (2 Tim 2:2)

Every Christian is his/her brother’s keeper (Gen. 4)

Simon Peter, if you Love Me, Feed My sheep…. Tend My Sheep, …, Lead My sheep